About Your RPBC

RPBC stands for the Republican Party of Bernalillo County

Our Vision

Our Vision is to earn the hearts and minds of voters and to elect a majority of public officials in Bernalillo County who share our Constitutional values.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to R.I.S.E.






Expand and develop the RPBC membership


Grassroots volunteers, candidates, and community partners working together to promote our shared values that will make Bernalillo County a better place to live


Volunteers and candidates in their local efforts to improve the community


RPBC candidates to every available office

Our Values

The RPBC will consistently reach out to Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians with the message that our core values are encompassed in the RPBC Platform (2015) which is based on the philosophy that the strength of our nation is founded on the principles of individualism, family, strong national defense and the rule of law.

Our Core Values Are:

Love of Family & Community

Public safety, government accountability, law & order…

Love of Country

History, culture, strong national defense, patriotism…

Love of Freedom

Speech, religion, press, assembly, association, privacy…

We are…

the party that represents the values of New Mexicans. We bring people together to better our communities, to make our neighborhoods safer, to encourage business growth, and to ensure every child has an equal opportunity to get a great education.

We are…

We are mothers, fathers, students, young adults, hard workers, and small business owners in our community.  We welcome innovation and opportunity in all forms. 


Together we will fight for a better future for New Mexicans through safe communities;  good jobs; improved infrastructure (access to roads, water,  and broadband); access to healthcare and prescription drugs; a world-class education; and a government that serves the people. 

We expect action on promises made.

Be inspired. Be encouraged. Join us.

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