Three new gun control bills have been filed, including one of the bills we have been anticipating. First, SB279, a ban on the sale or transfer of semiautomatic rifles was filed today. The bill would also ban the sale or transfer of all magazines that hold more than ten rounds. The first stop for the bill will be the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Second, SB244, a ban on minors possessing firearms with exemptions was filed. That bill is also before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Third, SB255, modifies New Mexico’s private firearm sale background check law to attempt to create criminal liability for social media companies or websites that “facilitate” unlawful firearm transfers. That bill has been sent to the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 2/5, HB12, the expansion of New Mexico’s “red-flag” gun confiscation law will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee. Here is a pre-written email to send to committee members asking them to oppose the bill. The meeting is at 1:30pm in Room 309 (Zoom link). On Friday, 2/7, the House Judiciary Committee will be hearing HB38, the “weapon conversion device” ban. The meeting will be at 1:30pm in Room 309 as well (Zoom link).
Today, in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, HB83, permitless concealed carry, was tabled on a party-line vote. Those voting against the bill didn’t debate the bill or ask questions of the sponsor, Representative Block. Finally, yesterday in the House Commerce & Economic Development Committee, HB202, the gun safe tax credit bill, was unanimously passed. The next stop for the bill is the House Taxation and Revenue Committee.
Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Joseph Cervantes – (D) joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.
Senator Katy M. Duhigg – (D) [email protected]
Senator Mimi Stewart – (D) [email protected]
Senator Peter Wirth – (D) [email protected]
Senator Antonio Maestas – (D) antonio.maestas@nmlegis.
Senator Crystal Brantley – (R) crystal.brantley@nmlegis.
Senator Debbie O’Malley – (D) debbie.o’malley@nmlegis.
Senator Nicholas A. Paul – (R) [email protected]
Senator Anthony L. Thornton – (R) anthony.thornton@nmlegis.
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